Must Know
Update Button: After every edit or update you make on the dashboard, make sure you click the update button. Else you may lose the updates made by you.
Preview Virtual Event: To get a preview of the updates made, click the ‘Preview Virtual Event’ button located on the top right of your platform.
Note: Do not share this URL externally.
Go Live: Clicking this toggle button will make the platform live for your attendees. Going live means the stay tuned page URL will automatically be redirected to login page & the attendees will be able to login.
Note:Use this only after you have made all the updates on the platform. The platform will not go automatically live as per the scheduled event date & time. You will need to make it live when ready.
Good to know: As per best practices, make the live 30 mins prior to the event time. This will allow users to get accustomed to the platform.