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Registration Microsite

Registration microsite allows you to create a form through which you can get the attendees registered.

Is registration page required: With this toggle, you can enable or disable the registration form.

Note:You can also have your own registration page hosted on a third party and drive registration. There is an option to upload the registration data in a .csv or .xls format.

Confirmation pass required: This is an important feature if you are conducting a restricted event. You may be inviting many but may not be willing to host all of them. In that case by enabling this feature, the user will be able to register for an event buy doesn’t get a direct entry to the platform unless you have approved his/her registration from the attendee list.

If you enable this, you can give a custom message on the thank you page saying, ‘thank you for your registration, we will get back to you with confirmation details’.

Only when you approve a registration does a confirmation email gets triggered out of the application to that user.

Note: you can also edit the emailers from the ‘RSVP settings’

Field Selection: This section allows you to define the fields that you would want on your registration page or the information that you would want to collect from your attendee.

Show/Hide: Will enable or disable this field.

Display Name: You can use this section to manage who should a particular field be displayed.

Required: With this toggle button, you can manage define if a particular field is mandatory or non-mandatory

Custom Fields: We also support custom fields. There are 5 custom fields one can create by editing the custom fields given in the list. You can choose the type of field you want to add and also display a custom error message that you want to from the settings icons given against each custom field.

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